The Introduction to Mindfulness course will provide you with valuable tools that can help you become more present and peaceful. In this four week course, you will learn various mindfulness techniques including sitting, lying, and loving kindness meditation, as well as mindful movement and mindful eating exercises. You will also learn methods of communication that will enable you to express yourself in more empowering and empathetic ways. All of these mindfulness practices can contribute to a greater sense of awareness, insight, and wisdom in your life.
The tools taught in this four week course will allow you to be more present to the reality of whatever you may be experiencing in any moment and to improve your ability to respond to each new situation from a place of greater attention, acceptance, and agency. This can help you experience a deeper sense of inner peace, empowerment, and connection with yourself and the world around you.
This course will provide you with new ways to meet life exactly as it is in every moment - within you and without. The tools you will learn in this course will also help you to see more clearly and liberate yourself from your old patterns and fear.
By applying these tools in an intentional way - a mindful way - you will, over time, find yourself becoming happier and more fulfilled. Ultimately, this Introduction to Mindfulness course will help you better know yourself so that you can, in turn, begin to know a deeper sense of peace and presence. The cost for this 4 week course is $99.